So...I am a curriculum junkie. I've been warned that this could happen...and yet...I still have fallen prey to the vast array of curriculum available to teach my little ones. I am always thinking I am missing something...
I chose Galloping the Globe for our geography/history curriculum for this year and next. For the most part I am happy with it. We have been visiting the different countries in Asia so far and I have finally gotten a knack for what is really interesting to them and what is not.
I have also discovered that as much as I want to be a hands on teacher for really is impossible with Autumn. I need things that I can teach and then they can do themselves. That is one reason I changed our math. I really liked the idea behind Making Math Meaningful, I just didn't have the time I needed to devote to sitting down with them 30 min at a time and I didn't feel they were getting everything they needed to drill their facts.
Right now, I am searching for what to do with their Lang. Arts for next year. I like FLL but again it moves sooooo slow and I think they are ready for more. I don't like the fact that Hannah isn't writing more than she is right now. She is very capable, though sometimes lazy if I don't make her write.
I also go back and forth as to whether I should have gone the total classical route taking them through history chronologically. I plan to do that 5-12th grade but I wonder if I shouldn't at least be introducing them to some of the history this way so they will be aware of it by the time we get to it again. I went through the Well-Trained Mind and figured out how many figures and historical events they should be introduced to in the grammar stage and am thinking maybe I can at least do some read alouds to them in this area to give them awareness even if we aren't making timelines and narrating formally.
I like that Galloping gives them a world sense...I just teeter totter all the time. I think if I do what I am planning I will read them at least 12 books a month over the next 15 months that are chronological from ancients to the modern times that will give them something to chew on when we do start.
I found this great site...and I hope to use it to do our history.
Reading our way through History-Click plans for next year:
Bible reading-we are starting at the beginning now, and working our way through. We are using the Wonder Bible. (It is closer than The Beginners Bible but not exact word for word...its reads more like a story.)
Rod & Staff English 2
Building Spelling Skills (if I do R&S)
Sonlight Reading or CLE Reading
A Reason for Writing Cursive C
Writing Strands (with Hannah-the 2nd part of the year)
Writing With Ease (Mikayla, some Hannah)
Math Mammoth 2 & 3
Apologia Astronomy
Artistic Pursuits
Type to Learn (Hannah)
Stories of Great Composers
Two plus Two is not Five Supplement
Grocery Store Math
Christian Light Language Arts (CLE)- includes grammar, spelling, writing, handwriting
CLE Reading
Writing Strands
CLE Math
Two plus Two is not Five Supplement
Grocery Store Math
Apologia Astronomy
Artistic Pursuits
Type to Learn (Hannah)
Stories of Great Composers
Then do the read alouds with Galloping the Globe and the History I wanted to do with them.
They will also be playing softball, possibly soccer, basketball, (Mikayla-possibly gymnastics)
They will be participating in Bible Bee this Fall-this includes a lot of memorization of scripture. This will be a challenge for us all...but a great way to learn scripture for a lifetime!
I think we will continue our 3 week on, 1 week off schedule. This works well for us. There are some times we do more weeks of school so we can take off for special occasions or take more than one week off.
In the next few years I am hoping to add Latin for both of the girls. I am thinking when Hannah starts 5th grade we will begin Tapestry of Grace but I want to research this more first.
Ahhh....the insanity of it all.
I have it laid I will allow Jesus to speak through me as to what He wants me to do for the girls.
I do know one thing...He has shown me as I stated before that it is okay not to be as hands on as I think I need to be. I am available, I teach, but I let them learn, I am here for them in the things that they can not teach themselves, but I want them to learn to to learn on their own without me holding their hand the whole way. I know they are young, and I will do this as much as they are capable, but what a gift to learn how to learn....