Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Books read from Summer Up til now

The girls have been reading a good bit this past summer. We instituted a 30 min a day quiet reading time. We do really well to do it about 4 times a week and sometimes even on the weekends.

There are SO MANY good books out there....I almost feel like there is not time to watch TV...although my girls may beg to differ!

Our recents books read:

Little Women Junior Classics- Currently reading
Anne of Green Gables-L.M. Montgomery
Betsy-TacyMaud Hart Lovelace
Charlotte's Web-E.B. White
Socks- Beverly Cleary

Minnie and Moo-The Case of the Missing Jelly Donut
Father Bear Comes Home- else Holmelund Minarik
Nate the Great- Majorie Weinaman Sharmat
Mr. Putter and Tabby Make a Wish- Cynthia Rylant
The Outside Dog- Charlotte Pomerantz
Daniel's Duck
If you give a mouse a cookie-Numeroff
If you take a mouse to school- Numeroff
The Emperor's New Clothes
The Egg
The Magic Fish
A New Coat for Anna
One Fish, Two Fish
If you give a pig a pancake
Mr. Brown can Moo
Meatball- Patsy Clearmont

Chad's Been Reading to the girls:
Mr. Popper's Penguins
Encyclopedia Brown Boy Detective-Donald J. Sobol
Another Encyclopedia Brown book
The Black Stallion
Next- The Hobbit

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